Clayton Anderson

Projects Overview

Almost all of my projects have been coded up in Mathematica. I use Mathematica instead of Matlab or Python for prototyping for a few reasons (1) during my undergrad I took two courses that exclusively used Mathematica so I got exposed to some of the cooler aspects of the software, (2) the built in graphics functionality is unique, especially the support for 3D Plots defined implicity or explicity, as well as the ability to export to 3D models [mostly new in version 11], (3) top notch built in numerical differential equation packages.

Here are a few of the projects I've worked on:

  1. Procedural Terrain:     Source
  2. Curves as a Vector Space:     Source
  3. Computational Physics Applications:     (Source still being compiled!)
  4. Bezier Patch Pathfinding:     Source
  5. Level Set Surfaces:     Source
  6. Generalized Thomson Problem:     Source
  7. Shape Grammar Building:     (Source still being compiled!)
  8. 2D Ising Model:     Source
  9. Arch Analysis:     Source
  10. Infection Game:     Source