Clayton Anderson

Level Set Surfaces

This project is a repository for interesting implicit surfaces. I'm using Mathematica's built-in triangulation techniques to export the 3d models. All the samples here have their implicit equations given in the sketchfab description of the 3d model.

The first surface is an example of the noise synthesis I discussed here. The equation is just a sum of Sin(w1 x), Sin(w2 y), Sin (w3 z) with differing values for the frequencies, w1, w2, and w3.

I can give the entire equation for the second surface, it's Sin(x^2) + Cos(y^2) + Sin(z^2) = 0.5. It's pretty awesome that such a complex shape can be described by such a simple equation.

The last three are the same equation with different values for two of the parameters. They're basically x^j + y^j + z^j = 1 for i = 4, 12, and Sqrt[5] (respectively).